NHL-toimittaja: William Nylander kaupataan toiseen NHL-seuraan – Maple Leafs -fanit raivona: ”Ole v***u hiljaa”
Sportsnetin toimittaja Michael Zigomanis onnistui keskiviikkona suututtamaan kokonaisen NHL-seuran fanijoukon rohkealla väitteellään.
Zigomanisin mukaan Maple Leafsin aikoo kaupata tähtihyökkääjä William Nylander pois lähitulevaisuudessa.
– Kun Zach Hyman palaa takaisin, niin jos Nylanderia ei silloin kaupata pois, olisin siitä hyvin yllättynyt, toimittaja latasi Sportsnet 590 -radiokanavalla.
6,9 miljoonan dollarin palkkaa nauttiva ruotsalainen on saanut syyskaudella runsaasti kritiikkiä haluttomista esityksistään.
23-vuotias Nylander on pelannut tällä kaudella 16 ottelua pistein 4+7=11.
Lue alta Maple Leafs -fanien suolaisia kommentteja:
"Once Hyman's back, if Nylander is not shopped I'm going to be really surprised."
@mikezigomanis thinks the #Leafs could be making a big move in the near future @ScottyMacThinks @SmrtAsh.
#LeafsForever | #LeadOff
: sportsnet.ca/590/lead-off/
@mikezigomanis thinks the #Leafs could be making a big move in the near future @ScottyMacThinks @SmrtAsh.
#LeafsForever | #LeadOff
: sportsnet.ca/590/lead-off/
"Once Hyman's back, if Nylander is not shopped I'm going to be really surprised."
@mikezigomanis thinks the #Leafs could be making a big move in the near future @ScottyMacThinks @SmrtAsh.
#LeafsForever | #LeadOff
: sportsnet.ca/590/lead-off/
@mikezigomanis thinks the #Leafs could be making a big move in the near future @ScottyMacThinks @SmrtAsh.
#LeafsForever | #LeadOff
: sportsnet.ca/590/lead-off/
stop scapegoating good players, toronto.
"Once Hyman's back, if Nylander is not shopped I'm going to be really surprised."
@mikezigomanis thinks the #Leafs could be making a big move in the near future @ScottyMacThinks @SmrtAsh.
#LeafsForever | #LeadOff
: sportsnet.ca/590/lead-off/
@mikezigomanis thinks the #Leafs could be making a big move in the near future @ScottyMacThinks @SmrtAsh.
#LeafsForever | #LeadOff
: sportsnet.ca/590/lead-off/
"Once Hyman's back, if Nylander is not shopped I'm going to be really surprised."
@mikezigomanis thinks the #Leafs could be making a big move in the near future @ScottyMacThinks @SmrtAsh.
#LeafsForever | #LeadOff
: sportsnet.ca/590/lead-off/
@mikezigomanis thinks the #Leafs could be making a big move in the near future @ScottyMacThinks @SmrtAsh.
#LeafsForever | #LeadOff
: sportsnet.ca/590/lead-off/
"Once Hyman's back, if Nylander is not shopped I'm going to be really surprised."
@mikezigomanis thinks the #Leafs could be making a big move in the near future @ScottyMacThinks @SmrtAsh.
#LeafsForever | #LeadOff
: sportsnet.ca/590/lead-off/
@mikezigomanis thinks the #Leafs could be making a big move in the near future @ScottyMacThinks @SmrtAsh.
#LeafsForever | #LeadOff
: sportsnet.ca/590/lead-off/
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